Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Book News

So there has been a lot of book news happening lately that I haven't posted.

First thing:

Augustus and Hazel have been cast! Hazel will be played by Shailene Woodley and Augustus will be played by Ansel Elgort. I have seen a lot of hate on these two as the cast but John Green says that they are perfect. I have decided that I will like them both until I see the movie and then if I didn't like them I can decide then.

I really love this fanart because it helps me picture Shailene was Hazel.

I think that both do a pretty good job looks wise as how I pictured Hazel and Gus. What do you guys think?

Second thing: We have a title for the third book in the Divergent series as well as a title for the sixth book in the Gallagher Girls series. And both covers as well!

Like? I love the cover for Allegiant, but I am disappointed that the she did not chose a name that ended in -ent like the rest of the books. But I still like the title. As for Gallagher Girls can you say L-O-V-E? I loved the gown and the color scheme and the title is so perfect! I think it is a my second favorite title in the series with Out of Sight, Out of Time being number one.

That is all the book news that I can think of for today! If you guys have anything else let me know! Also any book recommendations? Please give me so recommendations I need books to read!


  1. I love the cover too of "United we spy."

    Thanks for your comment over at my post, Kylie. Of course you may. that is so sweet of you, thank you so much! <3

  2. Thanks for the link, it is awesome! I love it! thank you so much!!! :D

  3. Have been away from Blogger for a while so I'm sorry for late commenting.

    I agree with you, I'm not going to judge until I watch the movie. Also, I think the cover for Allegiant is gorgeous and I'm super excited for the book :D

    As for Gallagher Girls, I've only read the first book, but it was pretty good, so I'm looking to get the books next chance I get to go to the library.
